Janel Gion Creative Studios

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What’s a Visual Brand and Why Do You Need One?


Did you know 30% of our brains are taken up by neurons devoted to visual processing as compared to 8% devoted to touch and only 3% devoted to hearing? Or the fact that people have the ability to process visual information 60,000x faster than text information! Lastly, you have 8 seconds to make an impression and get someone’s attention before they click to something else. (That’s shorter than the attention span of a goldfish!)

Long story short: visuals matter. And today I’m going to walk you through ways that you can share your branD and story through the images, fonts, colors, and styles you are sharing online. I get it, we all know that stories matter but maybe we’re struggling with how to share stories through the images we’re trying to make all “Instagram worthy”

This post is to show you that visuals of your brand go FAR beyond being aesthetically pleasing or “pretty”- they can truly make youR brand and personality memorable, professional, … and most importantly, move your bottom line. Get ready to post with purpose!


It starts with the heart of the business. Your value isn’t found in what you’re selling, it’s found in the fact that YOU are the one selling it.

Listen! I get it! We are all in saturated markets, struggling to compete and survive. Most consumers can’t tell a big difference between you and your competition. We look to others in our industry to inspire us. Therefore the only thing truly unique about us and what we can offer is US.

When we tell stories, we can create a connection beyond what we sell, humanize the brand, and give people a reason to follow us even if they don’t need our product or service! We have create connection points with our followers beyond WHAT we do…. we want to share WHO we are. 

How do you show this visually?

  • Incorporate tools and elements: what are things you use daily or to do your work that you can incorporate! (ex: laptop, planners, recipes, yoga mat)

  • You in your environment: showing you at work in your home, where you create your best work, behind the scenes, traveling. 

  • Head Shots: beautiful, clean images of you, your family, whatever you feel comfortable sharing that offers a human connection.

  • Styled Stock Images: Join the Creative Branding Studio for professional styled stock images that are on brand in terms of color, aesthetic, and styling


Think of a story of transformation, either your own or a client. People often get stumped here but absolutely every human being has been through a transformation in their life. People LOVE to hear about how you started in one place and transformed into a new location. (Hellllo, who doesn’t love seeing before and after photos and then learning how that transformation took place?) To give THIS story major credibility in terms of business, a transformation on how you got to where you are can open conversations up and allow people to see more of the journey that you’ve been through.

Image ideas for Transformations: 

  • Images of you before you overcame what you overcame: in a setting that makes sense and/or a consumer enjoying or using said product. 

  • Before and Afters: this is one of the most powerful ways to share a testimonial or transformation, it paints the visual before and after. 

  • Elements of your offer: if you’re selling a service or a digital product, how can you showcase it in a way that makes it clear to your viewer to help them imagine what it feels like to live that life after. 

  • Clients: Use a carousel post or quote cards to create images to showcase real-life lessons and moments that your followers can relate to.

In summary: Your followers want to visualize themselves in… let them imagine themselves as the client.


A classic brand story is a story containing the things you become known for BEYOND what do you or create. These are connection points that connect you to your followers regardless of if they are going to purchase from you right now. 

How to visually tell brand stories: 

  • Lifestyle shots: Images of things other than what you sell. Using different items that help create that editorial feel for you and act as serving before selling. (set up your phone, find a window and shoot that selfie)

  • Personal photos: Create connection through images of things that will draw connection with your ideal clients even if they AREN’T currently in the market for what you are selling. (ie. drool worthy food recipes)

  • Growth photos: Photos that show your growth or change that allow people to see your journey in a new way. (ie. share what your life looked like before you got organized in your business or what your pantry looked like)

  • Engaging graphics: Easily create stunning lead magnets, online course materials, ebooks, challenge resources, and digital products along with all the social media graphics to match with Canva!

  • Styled Stock Photos: You have less than 3 seconds to make a great first impression. And the easiest way to put your best foot forward is with a stunning collection of images that tell your audience everything they need to know about you before you even utter (or type) a word. Photos that give you the chance to write more to the story or to share your heart (even if it isn’t fully aligned with the story!)